Category: Posts

Peel Energy Consultation

The entire Breathe Clean Air Group attended the Peel Energy consultation last night (9th December 2010). We all discussed our concerns about the incinerator with both Peel Energy and the Environment Agency. We are now...

Application Submitted!!

[wp_announce_marquee] The official consultation has begun today (Wednesday 8th December 2011)!  Any letters sent before this date WILL NOT COUNT as official objections.  The official consultation period is:  8th December 2010 – 12th January 2011 inclusive. If you have written before...

Support from the political parties

Both the Labour and the Conservative local parties have declared that they are against the power plant and are instead supporting our local community.  This is great news for everyone who opposes the plant. Our...

Open letter to David Cameron

A member of the Breathe Clean Air Group has written to David Cameron. This letter outlines a strong case, linking to the relevant policies of the new government. As the leader of our country, we...