Tagged: BCAG

Ed Davey’s Response to Lobby Week Emails

Response from the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change to the Breathe Clean Air Group about the Barton Renewable Energy Plant, and the Government’s policy on burning wood and biomass. Thank you for...

Ministers Blitzed on Biomass

Over 500 letters have been sent to Government Ministers and Agency Chairman in the Breathe Clean Air Group’s summer campaign of protest about Biomass burning and the Barton Renewable Energy Plant in Davyhulme, Greater Manchester....

Davyhulme Incinerator In Doubt

Campaigners hope that last week’s Government U-turn could spell the end for the Barton Renewable Energy Plant, in Davyhulme, Greater Manchester. A cap on subsidies available to new biomass plants will come into force next...

Clean Air Worth Fighting For

Members and supporters of the Breathe Clean Air Group in Trafford, Greater Manchester are still fighting to protect the air we breathe. Their latest campaign, sending emails and tweets to Government Ministers about the dangers...