What are the Local Residents’ Thoughts?
The Local Residents of Trafford have grave concerns and significant objections to the development of the Davyhulme Incinerator. Thousands of letters of objection have been sent to the Trafford Planning Department, Environment Agency and Mr Eric Pickles MP over the last two and a half years. Here are 50 extracts from just a handful of those objections which state why the local people are so concerned about the proposals for Davyhulme.
- I cannot imagine letting mine or anyone else’s child grow up in a society with such a disregard for each other and purely driven by profit.
- BREP will incinerate waste wood, which will produce vast quantities of very fine particulate matter, which is known to be very hazardous.
- Who can guarantee the air quality? It is not known exactly what pollution this plant will give off, so it could never be 100% safe.
- House prices will be affected, myself and hundred of others will have no choice but to leave the area.
- In the Trafford area we are already over run and over polluted with the motorway, sewerage works and the Trafford Centre.
- My fiancé and myself are planning on trying for another baby soon as we are very worried about the affect this will have on the foetus.
- I believe that already in the area, the pollution from the Motorway and also the sewers do not make good air quality.
- The local community simply doesn’t want this, that’s why it hasn’t already gone ahead. After all, we are a democracy?
- Potential of negative effects as a consequence of this development.
- The impact it could have on the local populace health is enough for it to not go ahead.
- The local community and our Political representatives are extremely against this development.
- If we live in a democracy then without question this should be shelved immediately.
- Why don’t they build it nearer to Mr Whittaker’s household if he and his representatives believe it is harmless?
- Only those who stand to gain from it financially want it. Those who stand to lose in terms of health oppose it.
- The long term good of the people must come before short-term profits! Don’t enough children have asthma already?
- It will produce dioxins, which are extremely toxic and hazardous to health.
- If the plant burns contaminated wood the emissions will contain heavy metals such as arsenic, chromium, copper and lead.
- The plant has applied for a chimneystack, which is only half the height of comparable incinerator plant. This is a disgrace.
- Peel’s bullying tactics have been raised in the House of Commons; do not allow this to continue!
- As a local resident I have severe concerns regarding health issues and pollution.
- I do not believe that checks on emissions are stringent enough to stop pollution.
- There is absolutely no need to site this plant ‘within’ a residential area.
- Planning permission has already been denied. Because of Peel’s financial muscle they can continue to appeal against such judgements.
- There are many other ways of generating electricity, which are cleaner and will have less impact on an area and the environment.
- This is the wrong area for a plant of this nature!
- Davyhulme is first and foremost a residential area and one, which has been subject to vast commercial development over the past decade.
- It will be a massive eyesore on our landscape.
- I can’t bear to think of all 8 of my grandchildren being put at such risk to their health, just to increase the profits of big business.
- Didn’t this government commit to a huge cut in pollution or is this to be another forgotten promise?
- We’ve been assured that electricity pylons, sub-stations, nuclear power stations etc. were all perfectly safe, yet all these have cost lives.
- Please don’t inflict this hugely dangerous incinerator on such a residential area,
- There are several local primary schools that will be directly affected by the increase in air pollution from emissions and traffic pollution.
- The plant could release deposits of heavy metals into the surrounding land and watercourses threatening flora and fauna.
- Enough is enough and we do not need any more pollution in this area. We already have enough.
- The burning of waste materials is a dirtier method than burning coal.
- The proposed plant’s out of date filtration system will not be adequate at removing emissions.
- We will live right near the incinerator and I am furious and annoyed with Peel Energy.
- Peel Holdings are more concerned with money then our health. We want to breathe clean air!
- House prices are already at reduced values and will make it more difficult to sell our houses. We’ll no longer want to live in the area.
- In a (supposedly) democratic society, the local population should have a fair say in what happens to their environment.
- Blatantly, there are no adequate guarantees from Peel that emissions will be harmless. There is a possibility that emissions will be harmful.
- The environmental damage done by such a plant has not been considered by the developer in full.
- I am also concerned that Peel cannot be trusted to monitor the effects of an incinerator on the public.
- There are enough people in the area already with chest & lung conditions that will be aggravated.
- I find it hard to believe that national decision makers can so readily overturn the local rejection of planning permission.
- As a chemist who is aware of the risk assessment process, the first step should always be to ask if the activity is needed. Here it isn’t!
- Why even consider building BREP in the middle of a residential borough of a city? Thousands of homes will suffer the impacts of this plant.
- The very proposal of this plant has already caused a great amount of anguish for many, many people in this area.
- Powerful and influential businesses like Peel should not be allowed to pressure residents and councils.
- It is an out-dated and unacceptably dirty technology in terms of air quality degradation & demonstrable deleterious effects on human beings.
BREP is an incinerator with a midget chimney stack. On 12th June 2012, in a
meeting between six representatives of the Environment Agency and eight
members of the Breathe Clean Air Group, Simon Holbrook from the EA said
that ideally the chimney stack should be 60-100 metres high to disperse the
pollution better. This short chimney of 44.23 metres is because of City Airport.
The needs of the airport and the residents cannot be met and therefore this is an
inappropriate site.
We already face an Air Quality Management Area weaving alongside and
through our town which means we should be striving to improve our air quality.
Is this being taken seriously? What steps are being taken to reduce the air
pollution in this area? Other developments which have been approved in our
vicinity include a methane plant on the United Utilities land, five gas engines and
a flare stack on the United Utilities land, a papermill at Carrington, an 850MW
gas power station at Carrington as well as several developments which will
increase pollution from traffic including a hotel at junction 9 of the M60, an office
block at junction 10 of the M60, a supermarket near junction 10 and recently
operating, a conference centre and the Salford Reds’ rugby stadium. As far as
I can see, little by little, more and more developments are being approved which
only worsen the air pollution – one ‘insignificant’ impact at a time. Enough is enough!
Dr Thompson and Dr Anthony from the British
Society of Ecological Medicine who have written two reports on the health
impacts of incineration. They stated, “There is the historical fact that regulators
have consistently and repeatedly underestimated the risk of pollutants and toxic
chemicals. This has been true for asbestos, lead, DDT, PCBs, dioxins and
CFCs. Often it has taken decades for regulators to acknowledge these risks and
ban these substances.” I wholeheartedly believe this to be the case with the BREP
It’s about time Peel got the message from the residents of Davyhulme, Urmston, Flixton. NO INCINERATOR !!!!!!
BREP will burn waste wood, plus solid recovered fuel, (plastics etc)
850°C, will be too low to destroy dioxins.
Personally I think the BREP should go ahead. This country is facing a major energy crisis within the next few years, surely we should be striving to increase our renewable energy production and wean our way off fossil fuels, partictularly in the face of rising oil prices and climate change. Yes the plans aren’t ideal but we’ll all need to make sacrifices to tackle the issues bearing down on us, there isn’t any room for NIMBYism any more. After all, the nation needs energy and would you rather be living next door to a nuclear or coal power station?
Some people talk absolute tosh!
BREP is inappropriate in so many ways.
Wrong place, wrong technology, wrong time.
It takes from the local people on many levels, offering nothing in return. It is an ill-conceived notion designed purely to fill the coffers of greedy corporate enterprises without a care for those it damages as a consequence.